Tricks of the Windows Gam…ming Gurus (2nd Edition)
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Text File
179 lines
16 Mouse
17 Keyboard
18 Joystick %d
19 Microsoft DirectInput
20 Microsoft DirectInputDevice
21 %d axis, %d button %s
22 joystick
23 joystick
24 flight yoke
25 gamepad
26 rudder
27 race car controller
256 X-axis
257 Y-axis
258 Wheel
259 Button 0
260 Button 1
261 Button 2
262 Button 3
513 Escape
514 1
515 2
516 3
517 4
518 5
519 6
520 7
521 8
522 9
523 0
524 -
525 =
526 Backspace
527 Tab
528 Q
529 W
530 E
531 R
532 T
533 Y
534 U
535 I
536 O
537 P
538 [
539 ]
540 Enter
541 Left Ctrl
542 A
543 S
544 D
545 F
546 G
547 H
548 J
549 K
550 L
551 ;
552 '
553 `
554 Left Shift
555 \
556 Z
557 X
558 C
559 V
560 B
561 N
562 M
563 ,
564 .
565 /
566 Right Shift
567 Numpad *
568 Left Alt
569 Space
570 CapsLock
571 F1
572 F2
573 F3
574 F4
575 F5
576 F6
577 F7
578 F8
579 F9
580 F10
581 NumLock
582 ScrollLock
583 Numpad 7
584 Numpad 8
585 Numpad 9
586 Numpad -
587 Numpad 4
588 Numpad 5
589 Numpad 6
590 Numpad +
591 Numpad 1
592 Numpad 2
593 Numpad 3
594 Numpad 0
595 Numpad .
599 F11
600 F12
612 F13
613 F14
614 F15
624 Kana
633 Convert
635 No Convert
637 Yen
653 Numpad =
656 ^
657 @
658 :
659 _
660 Xfer
661 Stop
662 AX
663 Unlabeled
668 Numpad Enter
669 Right Ctrl
691 Numpad ,
693 Numpad /
695 SysRq
696 Right Alt
711 Home
712 Up Arrow
713 PgUp
715 Left Arrow
717 Right Arrow
719 End
720 Down Arrow
721 PgDn
722 Insert
723 Delete
731 Left Win
732 Right Win
733 AppMenu
768 X-axis
769 Y-axis
770 Z-axis
771 R-axis
772 U-axis
773 V-axis
774 Button 0
775 Button 1
776 Button 2
777 Button 3
778 Button 4
779 Button 5
780 Button 6
781 Button 7
782 Button 8
783 Button 9
784 Button 10
785 Button 11
786 Button 12
787 Button 13
788 Button 14
789 Button 15
790 Button 16
791 Button 17
792 Button 18
793 Button 19
794 Button 20
795 Button 21
796 Button 22
797 Button 23
798 Button 24
799 Button 25
800 Button 26
801 Button 27
802 Button 28
803 Button 29
804 Button 30
805 Button 31
806 POV control